Art Therapy One

Mar 08, 2010 23:06

Originally posted @

This is a picture I did in Art Therapy while at FDL. Don’t ask me about the therapy/talking half of the session, cause I can’t remember if I talked at all, let alone what I may have talked about. The staff will have you believe that everything had a reason behind it, that there is a reason behind this, meaning in this picture. And there probably is, I’m not going to support or deny that. All I’m going to say is, it looks rude, to me. It did when I drew, and it does now.

I’ve scanned a few bits in, I thought it was no different than posted about the jumble of my mind, or bits of poetry about me and my feelings, and it isn’t, I’m just not used to it in this setting perhaps. Written words I’ve always shared easily, all over, but this is a little different. I’ve 48 pieces of Art Therapy, and some make me uncomfortable still. But I’ve put some of the ones that make me less uncomfortable on here on flickr, and will post them to the blog every now and again and maybe even try and tell you what was going on when I drew it.

If I can remember.

art therapy, art, fdl, therapy, drawings

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