Originally posted @
http://scruffy-duck.netuntitled rhyming from art therapy.
Sometimes I like to draw
the people in my head,
sometimes I use words instead,
this is my banner
and these are my friends
from which I hide
and leave a broken heart to mend.
Have you read Shakespeare?
Have you read Poe?
Sometimes they’re the only
words I know
hiding from heaven and your silver tongue
lost on words
that are so often sung.
The lines are blurred
in which people to dwell
the sins or souls
keep us from hell
and I’ve lost my grip
on my edge
and I can’t my feel
on the window’s ledge.
Looking out or in
the effect is similar
the rhymes are becoming
awfully familiar.
I’ve not the time to explain
the turns or bends,
I’ll just be amazed
when we get to the end.