Dec 29, 2007 00:52
While taking care of my grandmother for over a month I have been trying to read and study for MYSELF. Its been quite vigorous and enlightening on many a subject.
Its Ironic how you spend your whole life just trying to grow up just to resort back to a helpless child when your old....A constant battle it seems.
Ill quote Oscar wilde cuz I just opened right to it a min ago :)
"The soul is born old but grows young. That is the comedy of life. And the body is born young and grows old. Thats life's tragedy."
Ive had many epiphany's while she has been in my care....its been like Harold and Maude or Bonnie and Clyde but not as vague as a intense as reality.
Definitely not easy at all, but very rewarding.
Anywho, back to books.
These were a few of the books I asked for for christmas and have started to read:
-Saul Williams (What an amazing writer, I love his work, his play on words)
A short history of nearly everything
-Bill Bryson (Haven't really started this one, but read a few passages and its very well written to keep your attention)
The power of intention
-Wayne W. Dyer (This is the one Im paying the most attention to, its great...he just mentions intention/intent too much and it bothers me a tad, but its good information anyways)
The tipping Point
-Malcolm Gladwell (Started this one as well, it looksat why major changes in our society so often happen Suddenly and unexpectedly. Fun book)
The artists way
-Julia Cameron( flipped through this book, but its one of those where you have to give it your full attention and take notes and all, so Im saving it till I finish a few other books)
Also been reading a few others off and on
All women are healers
(Goes into all different methods of alternative healing, chinese, homeopathic, stones, reki, etc... and mentions that the world of medicine WAS female dominated, information passed through generations of mothers and grandmothers...until, bascially, the rise of catholisism and called all women healers witch doctors and murdered them...dont quote me on that, I havent checked that statement yet, Ive just been absorbing the healing methods...however I do really like this books, its another one of those where you have to take notes along with reading it.)
Last book, which Im almost finished with
The Ancient Secret of the flower of life
(Very very interesting book, goes over ALL kinds of stuff, I cant imagine very many people being able to keep up with it, but I've quite enjoyed it :D)