Apr 21, 2006 01:55
So many..mainly on my cell phone. I discovered that it costs MONEY to send photos ...hummm..well..sixynine dollars later i guess i will not be sending or receiving any more photos for a while...but they were soo fun* odd angles and some angels. The sunset was crimson and the skies electric blue.
I watched "little black book" while I considered the possibilities of owning a large Dog. Maybe he is a Bull Dog? Bob..his name in the movie.he creeped me out quite honestly.
Secret of the Day: The ex- owner of Cedric came to me and put me into a deep and wonderful sleep. The current owner of a nameless but busy cell phone offered me dreams of delight. This afternoon in fact..late ..when I was in a light dream state..nameless cell owner..photos of phabulous photons in a phantasmic phorm..entered my dreams..I jumped and leapt and wound up seated with a royal staff. I woke up long enough to reach out and grasp his hand..the one in the royal dream with me and with the staff...
in my dream it was white then red..but the staffs knob was deep dusty rose once I got the colours corrected...I want to go and find someone to talk to in here..( second secret of the early morning hours) .....temptation..
by An