May 26, 2006 15:10
i am EXHAUSTED right now, but maybe it's because the amount of sleep i have gotten total in the last couple days is a around 10 hours or so...
wednesday i went to youth group one last time because they were anouncing something really important about "the end being near." what that meant is the youth pastor is leaving the church and the youth ministry will be changed completely. that made me so sad...i was not really going this summer, but that youth group is where i met most of my best friends last summer, and i love those people's passion for God. the people there do not fit the cookie cutter christian mold that i have so often been told i need to fit in order to be a good Christian. instead they have more passion for God than anyone I come across at covenant presbyterian. i had gotten so jaded with church and religion and God and last summer that youth group gave me a new perspective on what it means to be a christian. it't not about being perfect or following a set of rules in a book perfectly, but it's about loving God with everything you are and letting him rule your life. it can almost be made that simple, and i needed that wake up call. i wish i could say i kept the attitude completely that i found last summer, but at least i know what i am striving after now. not to be perfect or impress other religious people with my spiritual knowledge or whatever, but to strive to love God with all my heart, soul, and mind, everyday. i'm sure i'll write more about this as we all talk about the end of youth and what don (the youth pastor) might be starting.
anyways, after youth i went to texas roadhouse with tony, dain, jess, danae, alberto, alicia, david, and jill. it was fun, but i was spending money i dont have...aint that fun?? after that i should have gone home because it was almost 11pm and i had work at 8:30 in the a.m., doing stock no less, but seeing as how i value hanging out more than sleep apparently, i went over to the cox's house to play some texas hold 'em. we played with all the chips, dumb mistake, b/c it took forever! i was riding with danae, so i had to wait until she went out too in order to leave, so i didn't get home until like 2ish. it was alot of fun, and dain is helping me learn when and how to bet. i've been playing poker for awhile, but i am still getting better at the strategizing.
so, i slept from 2:30-7:30, worked stock from 8:30-5, which sucked ALOT, and came home to crash because i was going to see x-men 3 at midnight with a bunch of aforementioned people. so, i slept for a couple hours, got showered and ready and met everyone at house of joe around 9:30. we all loaded up on the caffeine and sat around outside, and finally went over to the theater. i kept telling people there would be a line already,but noooo...the boys didn't think so...but i was right. there were a ton of people there, but it turned out there were two theaters for it, so we still got great seats, right in the middle of the row in the lower section. the movie was great, but not as great as i expected. i dont know...i wont spoil it if you havent seen it. it was great. let's leave it at that. by this time we are all on caffeine highs, so we head back to the cox house to play poker again, which turns into sitting around talking and eventually falling asleep around 5am. i woke up around 8:30 and ended up playing burnout 3 with the boys, at like 9 in the morning, very random i know. that game is the coolest, you crash cars to get points! i love so i finally went home around 10, ate food, started watching the lost season finally i taped from the other night, but fell asleep for a few hours after watching a little bit.
i woke up, and here i am. writing on LJ...i have to be at work 6-10, and then i think it is back to the cox house (this is our summer hangout place, if you can't tell). apparently dain, chris and tony are deep frying lots of random foods, such as cheesecake! yum! silly culinary boys, i guess this is what happens when boys are chefs, such as they are...stuff gets cooked in random ways. JB and Harrison, i will have to take your job and say, "bloody 'ell theres grease there, oiyt!" LOL! so, should be fun, and i dont work until 5 tomorrow, so i'll be up late again i suppose. this is what life is about...obscene amounts of friend time at all costs. i love it.