I'm feeling a lot better right now. I'm sick as a dog, and I can't talk, but hell, I don't need to talk to crochet and lj.
that rhymes
Anyway, I thought I'd put up something/s that are making me very happy right now.
My grandma just showed me how to make these today, and i'm on the fifth square... You need thirty to make a whole afghan o.O
And I designed this while watching Brokeback Mountain (thanks, Jason XD. and i will comment innabitinnabit)
I need to make the other one. I hope I remember how. I'm shit at counting stitches.
Yarn is so theraputic. I swear, therapists would be out of a job if the world found out.
And tea, of course.
PS -- I'm sorry I'm not commenting lately. I'll get back in and catch up, I promise. I really appreciate everyone who comments, so much. <333 And I swear, I'll start ljing up a storm again.