A) I updated. B) You haven't. Which sucks. B) (or C, for those keeping track) I can't nudge you because it hasn't been a week yet. D) Are you coming ice skating next week? E) Do you have off esta semana?
I tend to read your journal in spurts -- like, every few days I'll read, like, the last ten entries and comment, so I'll get around to it XD
I'm in California, so no to B, or C, or D or whatever.
I need nudges. Fuck how many days it's been.
Okay, here: I am now aiming for an update at least every other day, except in circumstances where I unavoidably cannot update. So. Will you help me in this quest, O Jason, Mastere offe Up-datess?
B) You haven't. Which sucks.
B) (or C, for those keeping track) I can't nudge you because it hasn't been a week yet.
D) Are you coming ice skating next week?
E) Do you have off esta semana?
I'm in California, so no to B, or C, or D or whatever.
I need nudges. Fuck how many days it's been.
Okay, here: I am now aiming for an update at least every other day, except in circumstances where I unavoidably cannot update. So. Will you help me in this quest, O Jason, Mastere offe Up-datess?
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