Not Sleeping, but writing

Feb 05, 2011 14:55

I'm feeling pretty accomplished today. Finally managed to get my act together and sit down and write something.  Since Monday we've had temperatures here in the very high 30's and 40's. Its not pleasant. Haven't had much sleep, but apparently lack of sleep makes me all about the writing.

Last night I thought I'd just map out an outline, and all of a sudden this thing just grew and grew, and I ended up with a really sold outline, and a first chapter with waaaay too many words in it. That was about the time I realised it was 4 in the morning, and I had to get up for football registration at nine. Doh

I don't know if its any good, but I'm happy  with finally putting pen to paper (fingers to keyboard just sounds so wrong!). I haven't written anything apart from grants and newsletters for the past say ten years... Its a big change of style for me!

Anyway, just wanted to share because I have live journal, and should probably use it.

Cold change expected tomorrow. Hopefully some rain. I might go and sit in it.


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