Title: Uncertainties
Fandom: Arc The Lad; Twilight of the Spirits
Pairing: Darc/Kharg
Rating: Erm, PG13
Summary: If he couldnt remember anything, how could he decide what to do? How could he not believe what they told him if his mind was otherwise empty?
Warnings : Twincest (DUH) boys kissing, violence
Notes: I PUT ART BEFORE GRAMMAR XD *cough* I'm sorry if you find my writting style a little difficult, but if you keep reading its clearer, the first bit is artisticly vauge...
AND I may write more to this, may. Or write something from Kharg's POV, or a prequal, or a sequal... Maybe. It depends if people like this idea, give good comments, blah blah blah...
http://community.livejournal.com/going_to_hell__/3765.html#cutid1 Yeah yeah I dont know how to do a fancy link, hush you! Just click the linky and read the ficcie!