jumble mc jumbles

Jan 14, 2008 10:41

The start of my news is that I'm enrolled in classes and that, on my maiden voyage I've already sunk. Firstly, my adviser was in such a rush to get me in (he was a very friendly chap, don't get me wrong) that I was enrolled in my fundamentals of design class two weeks late. Which somehow makes me...4 assignments behind and I have yet to receive my textbooks or art programs needed for a few of the projects. Lovely right? Right!
Secondly, I feel infinitely inferior to the majority of my classmates already. And it isn't even over art! Their way with words on the written assignments is just so, wordy and knowledgeable. Wordy in the good way. While mine start off feeling adolescent and dumb.
Finally, last but not least. I was signed up for 3 pretests over power point, excel, word, illustrator, and photo shop. 3 out of the six programs I haven't toughed since freshman year of high school. (roughly 7-8 years ago) I made a 68.7 overall, which isn't passing so now I have to take an extra class next month.

Here I am! Finally in school and already back to bitching.
I miss my boyfriend already. That whore.
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