Obsessions and R.I.P Chibi Usa

Jun 30, 2007 19:32

I have many obsessions today.

First one is that it is Sailor Moon/Usagi Tsukino and Chibi moon/Chibi Usagi birthday today. Usagi would be 29! zomg. Oh, its also Kelly's birthday (the boyfriend). I already celebrated it kinda, called him at 1am and attempted to leave a voice mail of the sailor moon theme- but he interupted me half way. He seemed kinda amused, despite his fake attempt at horror.

Second is, I'm really obsessed with japanese style drawings. Before my pc decided to crash, I was studying the style etc (not to make it perminent or anything) but just so I -could- draw that way. When I could afford it, I had planned on drawing some pictures of me and my friends in that style. Still plan on working on that- but its been delayed for a lil bit. Not because of PC crashing, but because I need some new art supplies.

My job isn't too bad, I keep really busy and only work 3-4 hours a day. Thursdays are the only days I don't want to work- otherwise I'm pretty eager to get some cash saved etc. I also feel like a lot of stress has been lifted. I don't think I could ever be a housewife, being at home full time makes me anxious. To be honest, I'd rather my partner be the 'housewife' and me bringing in the income. Maybe its my need to be somewhat in control, I just don't know.

Anyway, I can't wait to get a new PC- I'm anxious to be on my computer again. The saying "You don't know what you've got, until its gone." is very true. Also, I know what happened with my computer. The Power Supply (PS) did die. Farewell my loved computer Chibi Usa(its name), you served me well this past 7 years<3<3
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