today i woke up hearing the best cleaning and breakfast making noises coming from the kitchen. not long after that two of my favourite people came to officially wake me up singing the sweetest paljon onneeaa äiti. i love birthdays! we had a lovely long breakfast and cuddling hour in bed before starting the day. this little birthday photo was actually taken yesterday, but its close enough. and with such a beautiful weather, jaakko having a free day from school and so much time together, yesterday felt more like the celebration day to me. good days both!
tomorrow we are driving to lohja to celebrate a wedding on saturday. im not too excited about the 3,5 hour drive there and back again on sunday. after all sitting in the car seat at this point of pregnancy isnt that nice anymore and im afraid i will feel it in my back for sometime. but i love to go anyway, it is important for us to be there.
happy valentines day everyone! and have a beautiful weekend!