Someone once said the reason there are so many princesses in fanfiction is because all little girls want to be princesses. Call me weird, but when I was a little girl I wanted to be an Autobot. Optimus Prime kicked ARSE.
Story or Series Title:
The Lost PrincessFandom: Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi/Spirited Away
Culprit Author's Name: Cecile Li
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Do Chihiro and Haku have to be the OTP (I freakin' HATE that term) in SA? I mean, yeah, it would be plausible if Chihiro were, say, sexually mature, but she's not. She's ten. Which would make Haku, if he were in a sexual relationship with her (I'm assuming that's what you mean by "pairing"), a pedophile. Which I seriously doubt he is...
Even if you consider the fact that he looks fifteen, or try to play the case that he's a river god and doesn't understand our social taboos, or even that they really are in a hormonal kind of love, she's freaking ten and his member would not fit inside of her without causing a great deal of pain and damage, probably causing her inner tissue to scar and making her unable to bear children.
I'm sorry, but I just don't see that happening.
That's my rant.
....*is shunned*
Also, Haku is probably technically thousands of years old and doesn't age the same way as humans do, so I don't think pedophilia is an issue there. And to me he looks about the same age as Chihiro, or maybe just a year or two older.
According to the translated version of the "Spirited Away" film comic put out by Viz:
"Haku: A twelve year old boy. He helps Chihiro when she wanders into the Abura-ya bathhouse."
"Chihiro: An average ten year old girl."
It can be argued either way. :D
As for OTP - which is generally a term I don't like myself, anyway - in reference to Haku/Chihiro, I can assure you I don't mean anything sexual. That was what I liked about their relationships (friendship, romance, whatever): it wasn't sexual; it was two people caring deeply for one another.
I do call it OTP in the canon, as there is no supplied canonical alternative; OTP doesn't necessarily mean two people having sex, but, y'know, that sappy True Love thing. Personally, I think they're two lonely people - god on Haku's part - who just happen to care deeply for one another. Whether or not it's romantic is up to the viewer.
And I would kill for a fic involving platonic/familial emotions between Haku and Chihiro, to be honest. Bad romance makes my eyes hurt, even if I do like fluffy love. Besides, one person's OTP is another person's friendship. Thus why I love fandom in spite of the Sues.
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