Hello all! I am in the process of re-doing my user info, so however vain it sounds I'd like to hear your tesimonials about me! However horrible it is I'd love to hear it! I'll be posting my old ones here so I don't lose them and if you have one to add, please do so!
"Abby is walking sex!"--
born2bebrit "Abby loves cookie orgies. Probably she dies one day because of diabetes."--
tibatha "You are one of the most amazing people I've ever known, and I miss you more thasn ever lately, especially as I don't get online much. But I think about you always, and wish we could send more letters to each other! You are my Sweetums, and I hope that we remain in contact forever *kiss*"--
celtic_roisin "Abby is Abby is Abby and sex and blue raspberry!"--
mortenavida "Abby is the funnest! GO ABBY RAWR." --
andy_star "Abby is the next best thing since white bread!! =)"--
lanie_janie "Abby = teh scoopables. teh scoopables = teh awesome. got it? :D"--