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Apr 12, 2010 03:02

So i've been thinking lately how this world has a problem with labeling each and everything which i find pretty annoying and am pretty sure a lot of other people does as well... I mean i know that equality is not something us humans can achieve as long as there is all these labels and money involved there's always going to be a upper class and a middle class and a lower class and i've been thinking seriously of how when i get a proper job and i have pretty much nothing in life to look forward to then i'll start saving up and then get rid off the upper class nd the lower class all one by one... it would be impossible but i dont mind dying after killing a few hundreds of ppl even though i know that wouldn't help this world.. nyways yea i find religions a real big pain in the ass but who doesn't nowadays lol.. i was born into a muslim culture where they taught me all the basic stuff nd i don't agree a lott of things but there are things that i do agree nd there are even certain things that makes me think alott.. am not an atheist now neither do i really fall under ny kind of religion as such i mean i dont kno.. there's so many religions out there i wouldnt be surprised if my beleifs fall under a specific religion... i think there is a higher power but i'm not really that bothered about it.. i mean i just know that there is somebody out there but i don't think he needs acknowledgment... and i have a lot of high hopes in evolution of a human soul and of how we might achieve another form that is far superior than how it is right now but then that's just bull shit i feed myself i think...

I've been thinking alott of aliens lately after watching the fourth kind... i really think they exist coz i still remembr seeing things back whn i was like 12 or 13 here in dubai itself.. i even remember when there was a time when i saw a bunch of people talking to each other nd looking at me nd it was all just weird dark figures nd this was in my room nd i remember how i started crying and screaming and ran to my dad nd he thought there was something wrong with me.. and i know this happened for real but yea not a lot of ppl buy it lol nd i dont really care much abt it right now even im thinking if it was real now.. its been so long since i've seen nything weird like that.. i think i remember seeing weird things that i would keep ignorin till the age of 14 or 15 nd now i kinda regret the fact that i ignored them coz i really want to like investigate now nd ask them whats happening in their world lol.. those who haven't seen the movie the fourth kind probably shouldn't read the rest of this post

So after watching the movie i've been thinking a lott about how i don't think it really was aliens am begining to doubt if there is really aliens now lol coz the language they use in the movie as well is one of the most ancient languages of earth itself and i keep thinking how spirits and aliens always seem to have similar features in a lot of movies and according to what alot of ppl have seen so far its the same language even the spirits and demon use this i checked after watching a lot of exorcism documentaries and documentaries on demons and spirits lol.. so yea i was just thinkin about it nd had a conversation about it to my dad and he was telling me about this thing that is written in the quran about how spirits are this thing called djinn in arabic where there are good ones and bad ones and they are actually a different kind of species altogether and they were here long before humans and god created them in the same world but we dont get to see them but they get to see us and they are not really allowed to interfere in our matters either.. and apparently back before humans there was a fight against these spirits and angels of god coz they were apparently actin way too smart with their powers nd stuff well i didnt really get much of it nd i didnt want to know much more about it either... but i don't know if should just disregard it just coz it is something that is written in the quran... i dont really know what to think so yeaa nyways it was a nice story nd its nice to know that i can consider another kind of species living along with us that was created by an higher power as well.. ohh fuck this is all so confusing sometimes i wonder why i need to think so much..

I found this quote the other day and i thought it fits lol "Its one thing to have an open mind, and quite another to live in a fantasy reality. Not everything is possible."  I have a feeling am bending towards the fantasy reality now lol... but then again i have already trained my head to think that everything is possible so i guess its a little too late...
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