this world is a crazy place..

May 27, 2010 05:13

Trust is such a weird thing because it's not really something that we know its just something we assume and guess is right i mean like when i tell something to somebody and they tell that they understand how do i actually know that they understand, people just believe that the other person gets it i guess i don't know i don't understand how we just believe just like that without needing any proof, I mean we seem to need proof for many other things otherwise why would people need proof for just specific things... I mean am not talking about, in a relationship basis, just generally... how do we actually know what is going around in the other person's head its crazy but i guess like many other things its just things we do blindly... And i don't really understand cheating on somebody either i mean is it just the sex if that's the case i don't really think it should be considered cheating if they want to explore sexually then isn't that even more adventurous because then both the partners can have sex and it could even result in an orgy but at the end they could still love each other the same so why exactly is there a need for cheating on somebody unless they just fall out of love for that person and ends up falling in love with somebody else but if that's the case they could just break up why cheat on you're partner... I don't know there's so many things i don't understand about humans lol... And even marriage where is the need for that why does commitment need to be legalized why not just live together and have babies and go on with their lives and if you want a ring so badly on you're finger the guy could get one as a gift on you're birthday or valentines day or something i mean why marry... ahh screw this am going to go watch something and stop thinking about why so many things don't make sense in our world...
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