Title: The things you miss
Pairing: John/Elizabeth, small hint of Teyla/Carson
Rating: PG - 13
Genre: baby fic. Fluff. Silly girl talk, complete with weird food cravings.
Spoilers: none for the actual show, but this happens few months after
"Working on a dream". You can call it a series, I guess.
Disclaimer: I don't own SGA.
Author's notes: written super quickly for
chiarahhue 's birthday! It's completely different than the prompt you gave me, but I hope you'll still enjoy this little gift. Also, in this AU Atlantis is cut off from Earth, and Ronon joined them, but Ford is still there.
Enjoy! Feedback is love!
“Ice cream.”
“You miss ice cream the most? But we can make it,” said Katie, reaching for the bowl of popcorn, and putting a few into her mouth. “Elizabeth?” her tone filled with suspicion. “What did you put in these?”
Kate leaned forward from her place on the couch and took the bowl, then sniffed its contents.
“I believe that’s curry?” she looked at Elizabeth with a smirk on her face. Elizabeth stretched her toes a bit, not feeling like making a move. Eight months of pregnancy could do that to anyone, she thought. Rubbing her quite prominent stomach, she shrugged.
“I like curry - popcorn. She likes it too,” she said, like it was the most ordinary thing in the world. Only they were almost out of curry, but there were many interesting Athosian spices. Kate smiled knowingly.
“We hope you’ll kick that particular habit soon,” she said and placed the curry popcorn bowl onto Elizabeth’s stomach. “You eat those. We’ll take the other one.”
“Huh. Okay. Only I don’t remember what I put into that one,” said Elizabeth and for a moment Kate’s and Katie’s hands were hanging in the air.
“I made that one,” said Teyla with a smirk, after a moment of silence.
“Gotcha,” Elizabeth grinned over a handful of popcorn. Kate tossed one from the good bowl in Elizabeth’s direction, hitting her in the head.
“Why ice cream when we can make ice cream ourselves?” asked Katie again. Kate made a thoughtful face.
“It’s just not the same,” she answered, and for a moment Katie’s face fell. They had things which were close enough, but just not the same. With almost two years cut away from Earth, they had to invent things, and learn how to replace things they loved, but at least Katie managed to grow coffee plant in the botanic garden. It was still way too early for actual coffee beans, but a better part of the expedition watched that bush like panacea. Every once in a while Katie had to shoo someone out.
“Yeah, we know about those,” Kate sighed and reached for the cup of coffee substitute. It was some new kind of alien tea. Elizabeth looked at her as she took a sip.
“I hate you now,” she said, hands on her stomach.
“For this? It’s awful, I hate it, you hate it, everyone hates it,” Kate glanced at the botanist sitting next to her. Katie just rolled her eyes. No, she couldn’t make that poor plant grow any faster.
“It’s caffeine,” groaned Elizabeth. Carson had enforced a veto months ago, because Elizabeth’s blood pressure had the tendency of going up. Elizabeth was at the point of being desperate for anything caffeine resembling, but for the next two weeks, it was still a firm no.
Teyla decided the conversation should move onward. Mentioning caffeine, among few other tings, in front of Elizabeth, wasn’t the best idea.
“What do you miss the most, Katie?” she asked. It was their regular movie night. They watched “The Rain Man” for the fourth time now. Every time after watching a movie they spent time talking. It was good for number of reasons. Teyla was always interested to listen about the world the other women came from. It was also a good way to keep Elizabeth company (and keep her away from work. John made Teyla actually promise him they will at least try to keep her away from mission reports. Elizabeth didn’t know that bit, of course).
Katie Brown leaned back into the cushions they pilfered from infirmary for the occasion. They were going to bring them back, of course. Nobody wanted cranky Carson without proper caffeine around, looking for pillows.
“Soap,” decided Katie after few moments of purposeful staring at the ceiling.
“Soap?” asked Kate.
“Soap. You know, almond, and honey, and rose scented ones? And those creamy soaps. Well, actually, all bathroom accessories,” said Katie, then continued “Manicure. Magazines. Libraries. Nail polish. I have only one left. It’s on my desk, and I just look at it. Staaaaarbucks,” she sighed and Elizabeth and Kate sighed along.
“Razors,” said Kate unexpectedly. Other women looked at her. “Uh, I didn’t say that.”
“I didn’t have one in months,” said Elizabeth.
“Really? What does John use?”
“Some deadly looking thing Ronon gave him,” she explained. The newest member of their expedition was nothing if not resourceful. “I prefer keeping my both hairy legs, thank you.”
Katie made a funny frown. “I’m not going to ask what John thinks about that.”
Elizabeth gave her a mock glare. “No, you’re not going to ask,” she said, and they laughed quietly. Just few months ago conversations like this one weren’t usual, at least not for Elizabeth. But they were not going back, not in the near future at least, and her life was rapidly changing shape. These women weren’t just expedition members any more. She wasn’t just Doctor Weir, she couldn’t afford that. Being Elizabeth did her good.
“Elizabeth?” asked Teyla when it was her turn to reveal what she missed the most.
“Oh, except seeing my feet, caffeine and sex?”
Katie threw more popcorn on Elizabeth as she laughed. “Well, at least you have someone for that particular activity you just mentioned. We lack even those. Oh I almost forgot!” Katie turned to Teyla. “You conveniently forgot to mention something.”
“Mention what?” asked Elizabeth.
For someone as calm and collected as Teyla always was, she seemed quite self conscious for a moment. “Doctor Beckett asked me on a date, I believe,” she answered.
“You believe?”
“He asked her if she would have a dinner with him,” explained Katie.
“It still can be work related meal,” argued Teyla reasonably.
“Yes, that is exactly why he blushed when he asked you,” Katie was helpfully clarifying. “It’s a date. Dinner still counts as a date, right?”
“Only if you’re not talking missions and patching up small injuries. And keeping Rodney away from alien food,” winked Kate. After learning about Elizabeth’s pregnancy, Rodney started having weird food cravings. All things considered, that wasn’t strange. He was Rodney, after all.
“Ask Carson about Scotland,” Elizabeth winked, grinning at Teyla. “I’m sure he will tell you lovely things. You’re lucky. John never took me on a date. He did ask me- “
“Well, both you and John are people who prefer taking the road less traveled,” said Kate with amusement.
“That is actually- oh my God. Look!”
As three of them looked the bowl on Elizabeth’s stomach moved.
“She’s moving,” said Katie, leaning forward. Elizabeth glanced at the clock. It was five past nine, and the night had already set over the city.
“Right on time. And she doesn’t stop until I’m all out of chances to get some sleep.”
“Sounds like daddy’s girl, then,” smiled Katie, patting Elizabeth’s stomach.
“Someone mentioned me?” John’s voice filled the room as he walked in, followed by Aiden Ford. “Ah. There’s my lovely whale,” he smirked, and that got him a handful of popcorn thrown his way.
“Hello Doc,” Aiden waved, like he was assuring everyone knew to whom John was referring.
“Like I can go very far,” complained Elizabeth, glaring at the men and slowly beginning to get up. Teyla got onto her feet, supporting Elizabeth gently.
“Well, time for your beauty sleep,” John’s smile turned genuine as he watched her walk slow steps toward him. During the last month her stomach turned really huge, but her swollen feet and the old knee injury were slowing her down much more.
“Only if you convince your daughter her mom needs some rest,” Elizabeth straightened carefully, reaching with her right hand behind her back. John touched the green fabric of Athosian tunic Teyla had given her.
“Is she restless again?” for a moment he forgot they were in a public place and his face turned tender as he felt baby moving under his fingers. This started happening along with Elizabeth’s pregnancy becoming too prominent for anyone to ignore. People were asking how she felt, if they picked the name and such things. Both Elizabeth and John seemed to be catching up on a fact they could turn sentimental, even in public.
“Quite. She almost kicked over my popcorn,” Elizabeth grinned at him. The grin turned into a yawn.
“Uh oh. Looks like mommy really needs rest,” Elizabeth was too tired to protest when John pulled her into a half hug, and then his hand settled on the small of her back. He enjoyed mother henning her, and despite occasional token protest, Elizabeth enjoyed it too. “Well, time to bid you a good night. Ladies,” he grinned at the women, adding a thankful glance to Teyla, who nodded just slightly. “Aiden.”
“Have a good night, Sir,” said the young Marine.
John’s steps were slow as he walked along Elizabeth, like he often did lately, telling her funny bits from the mission he got back from two hours ago.
“I’m serious, John. You have to convince her to sleep. I can’t take this any more.”
“We can always try a lullaby, Elizabeth,” he grinned. After eight months had passed, John was trying to be in the city as much as possible. Aiden was now leading a team, and John was training civilian personnel hand to hand combat. John wouldn’t admit it, but he was equally excited and worried now, with the birth date looming close. Elizabeth was silently relieved for having him around and away from dangerous missions. Instead John was leading the city, and Teyla was leading his, now three - manned team. Ronon was a great addition to it, when he was not occupied training the soldiers.
“Did those work on you?” asked Elizabeth amusedly, yawning into John’s shoulder as he pulled her slightly closer. Touching in public wasn’t a novelty any more.
“You’d have to ask my Dad, but I think you really don’t wanna hear the answer,” said John, kissing the top of her head.