made for
sgaartvalentine Title: Lost World
anuminisMedium: digital manipulation
Pairing or Characters: John, Rodney, Teyla, Ronon
Rating: Gen
Prompt used (if applicable): all by
ozsaur "John, Rodney, Ronon and Teyla in a jungle setting, with the mysterious ruins of a lost civilization."
"John, Rodney, Ronon and Teyla -- jungle setting with a giant carnivorous plant!"
"Mom, can I keep it?" John brings home a baby dragon."
Artist’s notes: I was looking through the prompts and after reading these three a story popped up that I tried to convert into images^^ starting with the arrival on the planet and ending with the dragon <3 also I wanted to create a planet that is not your run-of-the-mill Pacific Northwest. click to enlarge
Lost WorldArrival
Look There
What's That
Big Bugs
More Stairways
That's Something
Hope It Doesn't Eat Us
What The Hell
Can We Keep It