
Dec 23, 2012 21:20

I'm in Christmas mood (as expected ne?). Today I was decorating the Christmas Tree with my family and I helped Mom prepare the dishes for tomorrow. My brother started to play Chrsitmas songs and carols...

Right! Carols!

I love singing carols. I'm singing them since I was a child. Poland has a lot of beautiful carols and Christmas songs, and some of them are really really old. But I like the English well-known ones too. Since high school I started collecting carols in other languages (whenever Christmas came we were singing carols on our foreign languages classes). I wanted to show some of them to you (at least the ones in languages I partly/well know).

So let's start with the one most of you know - Silent Night

In English (listen here)

Silent night, holy night
All is calm, all is bright
Round yon Virgin Mother and Child
Holy Infant so tender and mild
Sleep in heavenly peace
Sleep in heavenly peace

Silent night, holy night!
Shepherds quake at the sight
Glories stream from heaven afar
Heavenly hosts sing Alleluia!
Christ, the Saviour is born
Christ, the Saviour is born

Silent night, holy night
Son of God, love's pure light
Radiant beams from Thy holy face
With the dawn of redeeming grace
Jesus, Lord, at Thy birth
Jesus, Lord, at Thy birth

In German (listen here)

Stille Nacht! Heil'ge Nacht!
Alles schläft; einsam wacht
Nur das traute hoch heilige Paar.
Holder Knab' im lockigten Haar,
Schlafe in himmlischer Ruh!

Stille Nacht! Heil'ge Nacht!
Gottes Sohn, o wie lacht
Lieb' aus deinem göttlichen Mund,
Da uns schlägt die rettende Stund'.
Jesus in deiner Geburt!

In Polish (listen here)

Cicha noc, święta noc,
Pokój niesie ludziom wszem
A u żłobka Matka Święta
Czuwa sama uśmiechnięta
Nad dzieciątka snem
Nad dzieciątka snem

Cicha noc, święta noc,
Pastuszkowie od swych trzód
Biegną wielce zadziwieni
Za anielskim głosem pieni
Gdzie się spełnił cud
Gdzie się spełnił cud

Cicha noc, święta noc,
Narodzony Boży Syn
Pan wielkiego majestatu
Niesie dziś całemu światu
Odkupienie win
Odkupienie win

And something I learned recently on my Japanese classes :D (listen here)

Kiyoshi kono yoru hoshi wa hikari
sukui nomiko wa mabune no naka ni
nemuri tamo-o. itoyasuku.

Kiyoshi kono yoru mitsuge ukeshi
makibitotachi wa miko no mimae ni
nukazukinu, kashikomite.

Kiyoshi kono yoru miko no emi ni,
megumi no miyo no ashita no hikari
kagayakeri, hogarakani.

Another carol I know in other language. In Polish it is called - "Wśród nocnej ciszy" - In the silence of the night

In Polish (here)
Wśród nocnej ciszy głos się rozchodzi:
Wstańcie, pasterze, Bóg się wam rodzi!
Czym prędzej się wybierajcie,
Do Betlejem pospieszajcie
Przywitać Pana.

Poszli, znaleźli Dzieciątko w żłobie
Z wszystkimi znaki danymi sobie.
Jako Bogu cześć Mu dali,
A witając zawołali
Z wielkiej radości:

Ach, witaj Zbawco z dawna żądany,
Cztery tysiące lat wyglądany
Na Ciebie króle, prorocy
Czekali, a Tyś tej nocy
Nam się objawił.

I my czekamy na Ciebie, Pana,
A skoro przyjdziesz na głos kapłana,
Padniemy na twarz przed Tobą,
Wierząc, żeś jest pod osłoną
Chleba i wina.

English translation:

In the silence of the night a voice radiates:
Stand up, shepherds, God is born for you!
Go as quick as you can
To Bethlehem you hurry
To greet the Lord.

They went, they found the sweet little child in the manger
With all the signs given to Him.
They venerated Him as God,
and while greeting Him they shouted
with great joy:

Oh, welcome Saviour, desired long ago,
Looked out for four thousand years
Kings, prophets awaited You,
But You manifested yourself
This night to us.

And we wait for You, the Lord,
but since You come to the voice of the priest,
We'll prostrate ourselves before You
Believing that You're under cover of
Bread and wine.

The same carol in Latin:

Silentio noctis sonus spargitur:
Pastores state Deus nascitur!
Iter cito preparate
Ad Bethlehem properate
Cum muneribus.

Inventus Infans in praesepio
Secunda signa dat(a) ab angelo.
Deum nat(um) adoravere
Salutando clamavere
Pleni gaudio.

Redemptor salve, diu cupite,
Tot longos annos desiderate!
Te prophetae atque reges
Exspectabant, at te praebes
Nobis omnibus.

And the last carol I wanted to share is my favorite one: "O gwiazdo Betlejemska" - Oh, the star of Bethlehem (here)

1. O gwiazdo Betlejemska,
zaświeć na niebie mym.
Tak szukam Cię wśród nocy,
tęsknię za światłem Twym.
Zaprowadź do stajenki,
Leży tam Boży Syn,
Bóg - Człowiek z Panny świętej,
dany na okup win.

2. O nie masz Go już w szopce,
nie masz Go w żłóbku tam?
Więc gdzie pójdziemy Chryste?
gdzie się ukryłeś nam?
Pójdziemy przed ołtarze,
Wzniecić miłości żar,
I hołd Ci niski oddać:
to jest nasz wszystek dar.

3. Ja nie wiem; o mój Panie,
któryś miał w żłobie tron,
Czy dusza moja biedna
milsza Ci jest, niż on.
Ulituj się nade mną, błagać Cię
kornie śmiem,
Gdyś stajnią nie pogardził,
nie gardź i sercem mym.

English translation (by me, may have some mistakes):

1. Oh, the star of Bethlehem
Shine on my sky.
I'm searching you throughout the night,
Missing your light.
Lead me to the stable
Where the Son of the God lies.
God-Human from the Holy Virgin
Given to buy us from sins.

2. You already don't have him in the stable
isn't He in the crib out there?
So where are we going to go now Christ?
Where have you hidden from us?
We will go to the altars
To stir the embers of love
And give you a tribute,
This is our offering to you Christ.

3. I'm not sure, My Lord
Who had a throne in the crib,
If my poor soul,
is dearer to you than it is?
Have mercy on me, to beg you
I humbly dare,
Since You haven't despised the stable,
Don't despise my heart too.

Ok I spammed you with carols. But I hope you will like some of them. If you can, share a carol with me. Maybe in your own language? I would love to hear them. ^^


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