Bad Days / Tomorrow

Nov 01, 2006 01:27

Bad Days

tiles on a floor
stretching stretching
the retina's idle geometry
forces shapes out of a symmetry
connecting connecting
the patterns of wallpaper
cars flashing past the window
the mirror reflecting reflecting

marks on the rug

twidding through thumbs and books
drinking drinking
counting the crumbs of toast,
watching the sexy lick of flame
poking through the grate
refracting refracting
the family photographs
old watchtower magazines

cups by the sink

If i sit here all day
the sun will move across the sky
the tea will fill back up
then i'll learn things. lots of things.
the thrust and ridge of radiator bumps
the slits of my japs-eye blinds
under a half four sunlight
hours fall back dispersing dispersing

stains on the table


Tomorrow (For Naomi)

I can make a smily face of coins and pubic hair
I can interrogate action figures under my desklamp
I can put my room in alphabetical order, or chronological.
I can learn hiragana all day. Or how to make Houmous.
I can read up on the amazon's piranhas
I can teach myself to juggle, or knit.
I can clap my shoes together to Imogen Heap songs
I can stick things to my wall. I can spit.
I can make a list of every capital city in the world
I can plan every play, movie and concert i want to see for months.
I can watch every movie trailer, sketch, and write.
And when i go to sleep at night
I know tomorrow will be the day
Will be the day i do my essay.
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