May 17, 2010 15:02
You were all wondering what happened after Star Trek, and you guessed it...monkeys. After all, who doesn't love monkeys? The title holds some special significance to your beloved dictator and her consort, as 12 Monkeys was the movie on their first date (look it up in IMDB, kids. Yep, we're old).
For our new members, Picnicon is Bostongamers annual gathering, a weekend of good games, good friends, and good food!
In the home of BostonGamers' benevolent Dictator, Vivian Abraham. We are in Somerville, the Gaming Nexus, reasonably close to the T. The address is 11 Fenwick Street, #2, easily accessible by bus from Sullivan
Station and Davis Square, a few blocks walk from the bus to/from Lechmere. We have some parking available as well. Let us know if you are coming via car in advance, and we can arrange for Somerville party permits.
Friday, July 2th at 6:00 pm -> Sunday, July 4th at whenever pm
Early arrivals will be put to hard labor and are greatly appreciated. Check in with me if you want to be on staff.
There's both crash space and facilities to cook and store food, so bring sleeping bags if you're crashing and either food to cook or money to order out or chip in for groceries. Viv and I will be cooking and others are welcome to join us. I (Daniel) will provide many, many buffalo wings Friday evening, as is traditional, and Tyler, our Brigadier of Breakfast has volunteered to handle a morning meal. A note on alcohol: you are welcome to bring it, we usually have a big game of Baron Munchausen one night which involves lots of drinking, but we reserve the right to collect keys and/or cut folks off if necessary.
Everyone should come prepared to play and/or run a game, bring board games, or do something to make it
fun for everyone - unlike many gaming conventions, this is a group-participation event, so don't hesitate to join in and plan some events! They'll be lots of willing people to help!
On the slate this year:
* The traditional (and infamous) late-night Baron Munchausen game (tall tales in the grand manner),
* Circumstances willing, a grand game of Encore, the team singing and lyrics game.
* I may actually be running something serious for a change!
* [insert your game here]
If you want to run a scheduled game at PicniCon, please send me an email with:
* The name of the game
* The number of players you want
* The system
* If you're using pre-generated characters or want people to bring them
* How long you expect the game to run
We'll still have room for pickup games, but we want to put some games on the map first.
Allergies: There are three cats, one nice (Ivanova), one nippy (Miles), one cuddly (Loki). No, you cannot take Loki home. Please notify me of any food allergies and/or restrictions, and we'll do our best to accommodate.
Kids: Welcome! The boy is now old enough to understand and play simple games, with a little guidance (Frog and Toad, Mancala, Brockian Ultra-Cricket). Too young for games with brightly-colored pieces that can be mistaken for candy (most German board games). [Proud sponsors of the Geek Parent Conspiracy]
Stuff: We are set on folding tables, but could use folding chairs.
Games: Bring _some_ games, but not _all_ your games. Last year, we ran out of room to sit! Feel freel to send me a list of the games you want to bring, and I'll coordinate to reduce the number of multiple copies. For example. we're cool on Cosmic Encounters (the new new one with the expansion).
Just drop me an email and any difficulties can be overcome.