Are you ready for some EXTREME POWER METAL? Feel the power of the DragonForce! I must admit though, my experiences with this band have really only been through Guitar Hero III and before then I had only vaguely heard of the band. At least I’d heard those machine-gun guitar riffs and epic screams before somewhere! Might have to thank Andrew Haug’s Full Metal Racket on Triple J for those late nights with the radio.
The secret to having awesome hair on stage… put a fan underneath you! Not only is it practical to keep it out of your face, it also livens up your photos! I took my mate
Sham when he almost went to buy a ticket, though I think it was more that we’d rather catch a “free” gig in Fremantle than pay and then travel the whole way to see them, especially on a Wednesday night. Damn you Freo! Why’d you have to be so (relatively) far!
Though DragonForce’s tour was for their latest album Ultra Beatdown, Sham had songs mainly from Sonic Firestorm pumping on the stereo. I find it amusing that their songs, both thematically and aurally, are usually inspired by video games. And the songs are always so epic! While the setlist only had around eight songs, in true power metal form, those are eight VERY LONG songs. Long in a mega-awesome-epic way! I was surprised that front-row fans complained that it was a “short” list. Hah!
I’d just like to let the Guitar Heroes out there know that “Through the Fire and Flames” was not on the list… but prove me wrong. We left early in an attempt to get home by midnight. I still ended up sleeping around 1am. Gah!
A couple more DragonForce photos are on my
Flickr photostream. Check them out!
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