A Resident

Sep 14, 2017 00:09

People are in awe everytime they know that I am (or anyone that they know) becoming a resident - of any kind. They said it means I am smart and rich. A couple of people told me that it was kinda glamour. What a wrong and twisted perception.

It is not. Far from it.

A resident is the closest thing to a zombie as it possibly can (for the time being, at least). What with lack of sleep and insane amount of work and stress, also a bunch of other extracurricular activity you can guarantee us to look like the living dead. Let us not forget the total collapse of family and social life.

It is 6 minutes past midnight, I have just came from a weekly tennis session (where I suck ass, yet cannot skip), I have a journal to finish, 2 moduls needed to be read, and an article to be translated.

I also need sleep.

My dear Lord... I need sleep.
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