Growing Up

Jan 30, 2008 21:24

Kapow! My brain just gave me an ass whoopin. This is a good thing though. As a result of said whoopin I realized I’ve been in a funk since…fuck…I can’t remember when it wasn’t there. That’s sad. The first step is admitting there's a problem.

I’m not going to say I’m unhappy. Because I’m not. My life is actually pretty damn good. I love my job, my girlfriend, my friends, my home, my family, and honestly I can say I love myself. I seriously think this is the first time in my life that all of those pieces have been in place at once.

But somewhere along the way I’ve lost a piece of myself, and I think that growing up is the cause. When I was younger, I noticed that most adults were missing something. That “god sized hole” that nothing else can fill. They had big houses with swimming pools. Nice cars. A hot wife and kids that one could be proud of. Their big houses were full of things I hoped to one day own.

As a kid I lacked all of those things, but I had that thing they were missing. A sense of wonderment. Excited about the things to come. Things have come…and all the things that I hated about adults started to creep into my mind. And I realized I wasn’t a kid anymore. I found myself worrying about the temperature on the thermostat. A set bed time so I would be able to deal with issues at work. Am I making enough money? Is the stove on?

The more these things crept in my mind, the less I was a kid…thus the less I was like myself. And now I find myself wondering where I went. Funny thing is, the ass whoopin made me realize that getting that piece of myself back isn’t difficult. I just need to do what I did when I was younger. Call the ones I love when I think about them. Do the random things that pop in my head. Act on inspiration. We’re all capable of more. So let’s do it.
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