And I'll lay right down in my favorite place

Feb 28, 2006 15:27

Yesterday, I stopped at the intersection of Crittenden Dr and Eastern Parkway when the driver in front of me quickly reached toward his backseat. My first thought was, "Is he reaching for his MAC 10 to show me what 1100 rounds per minute really means?" A silly first thought, I know, but I had been following this car for 2 miles and had a pretty good idea what kind of person I was dealing with.

I wanted to pass his blue Corolla several times, but I feared he would clip my car as he swerved around obstacles that only he was aware of. I figured it would be better to just follow a safe distance behind, but that distance shortened when the light turned red. This is when he quickly went for the backseat. But why would he shoot me? For jamming to Money for Nothing with my windows down? I was guilty of nothing else. The light turned green and and that was that.

Maybe there was a small dog in the backseat that needed attending. Maybe it was messing with his driving. I will never really know. But, I couldn't shake the feeling that there are crazy people in the world, that could snap at the sound of a song. I wondered what goes on in their minds. My mind jumps around a lot. Ok...if I hear I Wanna be Your Dog sung by Iggy Pop at that intersection tomorrow, I will kill the driver of that car. I chuckled. What a ridiculous thought. But I was being obscure. I have never heard that song on the radio or coming out of someone's car. Nor do I know many people that would be jamming to Iggy Pop these days.

I rarely hit a red light at that intersection.

Let's see what the universe has in store. Seriously, I have had stranger thoughts with which to amuse myself.

I didn't go out and by an automatic weapon. What a waste of cash on such a silly whim. But I did root through my old dresser and found my switchblade under a stack of old pictures and birthday cards. I stashed it in my khakis before work this morning and headed to Expeditors.

A very uneventful morning dulled my senses and my stomach was growling. If I didn't get my blood moving again, there was a good chance I would fall asleep at my desk. Lunchtime would solve both of those problems. To be honest, I completely forgot about the little deal I made until I reached in my pocket for my keys and felt the switchblade. Oh yeah. That.

I got some Chinese carry out and headed back to work. No cars were visible in my rear view mirror as I neared the intersection. The light turned yellow and I almost gunned it, but I really didn't want to put any lives in danger. Let alone mine. So I just stopped the car. Then I noticed a car pull out its driveway about 5 houses back. It pulled up right behind me, but what was the driver listening to? I shit you not; it was Iggy Pop singing I Wanna be Your Dog.

Luckily for me it was a nice day. The driver had his windows down so I didn't have to open his door or anything. Stab. And I was gone.

To the caual observer, that must have looked pretty crazy. Totally unprovoked. But they were not aware of the whole story. Seriously, what were the friggin chances?!?! When I heard the song, I realized I no longer had a choice. God wanted me to kill that person. And he wanted me to get away with it. Otherwise, I wouldn't have made it back to work let alone sleep soundly in my bed.

He must have more plans for me.
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