Independence Day

Jul 04, 2005 21:07

Gosh I havent updated in a while and all sorts of goodness has been going on. Work has me so ticked off all the time that I just sit here and angrily stare at my monitor and this retarded reaction I have developed has resulted in the lack of updates.

This weekend Sam and I went up to Hobart. We got up there around 430 am Saturday morning and ryane had made pizza for us to snack on after our long journey. She’s awesome like that. So we go to bed and when we wake up we go over to her brother’s house to see Dante. He is the most awesome little wiener dog ever. After multiple assaults to my face we headed over to her Dad’s to pick him up so we could go mini golfing and ride some go karts. So he tells me about 20 times on the ride to the place that he doesn’t like me and would shake my hand a bunch and tell me he didn’t like me. Kyle said “Dad I like this guy and I don’t want to have to beat your ass.” It’s nice to have a thug on your side.

So we get out of the car and he shakes my hand and says that since I am cool with her cousin Seth and cool with Kyle then I am cool with him. He then gives me a hug and kinda nuzzles in a little bit. Awwwww. I sucked at putt putt. Big time. But I had a blast. Then we rode go karts and when I was vying for position I slammed in to the wall and from there on out wasn’t really close to any competition. We then played some arcade games and then headed over to Red Lobster. After all that we bought some booze and Matt, Eric, Beau, and Dercie came over. They are always fun and we drank and did Mad Libs.

Sunday we woke up and headed over to Ryanes moms. We ate some tacos watched some Air Bud 4 and I learned how to jump trains and other nifty bits of info from her papa joe. Then we headed to Chicago. There was a big Harvest Homecoming type of food festival going on called Taste of Chicago. So we ate lots of food and went around Millennium Park. The highlight of the park were these giant walls that had water dropping off of them and kids would play in the water. Then these faces would appear on the walls that were huge and then they would make there mouth into an O and water would shoot out of their mouth on to the kids. Chicago had their fireworks that night so I didn’t have to miss all the Independence Day celebrations.

This morning Sam and I left early to make it home in time for me to get to work. So we’re driving and some guy motions at my tire and keeps mouthing the word “Tire.” I pull over and have a flat. Thanfully I had some Fix a flat and filled it back up. I get back on the highway and 10 minutes later my car starts violently shaking and then Plowee….my tire explodes. So I get the tire changed and then 10 minutes later my coolant light starts flashing. Hooray. I pull over and its completely empty even though I filled it up 5 days ago. So I fill it up and then put some leak sealant stuff in and get back on the highway. My god it takes a long time to get anywhere at 50 mph. Now im sitting at work wondering why the fuck people are concerned about their internet. Eat some friggin hot dogs, drink some friggin beer and ignite some friggin fireworks people! I need to quit.
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