Writing debut

Dec 25, 2016 00:22

It is official: I have made my writing debut! I participated in the Secret Snarry Swap 2016 and I am so, so happy that I did! The experience has been a great one. The amazing response to my own fic has absolutely blown me away. Since I can't get back to you personally until after the Big Reveal, I want to thank you all via this route for your kudos and kind words. They really do mean a lot. They made me go from someone who was absolutely terrified of sharing her work to someone who is looking forward to doing it again. I cannot thank you enough for that!

And if that wasn't enough to be happy about already, a great fic has been written for my prompt as well. It is called 'a boy and his broom' and I am absolutely thrilled with it! Thank you so much, mystery author :). Yes, this Secret Snarry Swap has been a  great experience.
Now all that is left for me to do is wish you all a merry Christmas, or Hannukah sameach, and definitely a happy new year. I am sure 2017 will be great!

As long as I don't have to look at my fic ever again.... ;)

Edit: My fic is called A Guide to Achieving Maximum Impact and can be found on AO3 here and on LJ here.

writing, snarry, secret snarry swap, fanfiction, secret snarry swap 2016, gratitude

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