Starting the Snarry bookshelf

Dec 05, 2019 23:26

Earlier today when I was working, I had the idea to create a series on AO3 called The Snarry Bookshelf to which I could add all my fannish bookbinding projects. I liked the idea so much, that I actually put it into motion once I was back home. So now The Snarry Bookshelf officially exists, yay! The Lost World is part 1 of the series and I added Two Minds as part 2, even though I finished that one almost a year earlier.

I haven't talked much about it, but my first fannish bookbinding project was a notebook inspired by Acid and Sinicks Two Minds, which I bound as a gift for Acid back when we were still beta-reading for one another. I never posted it to AO3 before because it was solely meant as a gift for Acid, so it felt wrong to share it with everyone else. However, my excitement about this new series currently overrides my qualms about sharing it, so it's on AO3 now. I'll admit that the photos aren't very good, but I can't take new ones because the book has been on the other side of the world for about a year and a half already, so these will have to do.

It's great to have 4 works up on AO3 now. I might turn into a productive fanwork creator after all. It also feels pretty good to finally have a series up on my AO3 page. It looks quite dashing if I say so myself. I doubt it'll get a lot of attention, but that's not the point. I turned this into a series because I thought it would inspire me to make more books. A bookshelf with just two books is rather empty after all. I don't have any clear plans to make more Snarry books at the moment (I've actually just started working on a completely different and ridiculously ambitious fan project), but I do want to make more eventually. The idea that I can add any new ones to a series now is very motivating. Mission accomplished I'd say!

N.B. This series is very much a work in progress, so nothing is set in stone just yet. I'm not even sure whether The Snarry Bookshelf is the best name for it. Perhaps The Snarry Library would work much better in the long run. Or even The Harry Potter Library, if I ever decide to turn my vague plans to make my own version of the Monster Book of Monsters into reality. Or maybe I could have multiple series. Or I could... Or maybe... Or perhaps....
Anyway, would love to hear your opinion, dearest reader! And if you have any ideas or suggestions for this series, those are very welcome as well!

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fandom, bookbinding, snarry

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