Wrap-up of a great fest!

Jan 01, 2018 21:53

(Edit november 2018: I've now decided to orphan this particular fic. My feelings from the post below were genuine, so I will not remove it. However, I have removed the title of and links to the fic, for obvious reasons.)

The Secret Snarry Swap 2017 has officially ended. There were so many amazing fics this year! I enjoyed reading each and every one of them and was waiting with bated breath for the next fic every day. In fact, I had such a great time, that I'm almost sorry to see it end. Almost. Because I'm also very happy to finally be able to reply to all the lovely people who left a comment on my work!

My story is probably the most ridiculous thing ever written, so I was a little nervous that people would consider it too over the top. Once again, it turned out I shouldn't have worried, because the response was absolutely fantastic! Honesly, I was completely blown away by all the amazing comments. Thank you so, so much! I'm incredibly happy that my silly story managed to make so many people smile and very grateful to everyone who took the time to let me know!

Also a big thank you to the mods for the very generous extension and all their help afterwards. I'd also like to thank the lovely ladyofsd big time for the amazing prompt! It inspired me very much, as you have seen ;). I'm also thrilled with your comment! It honestly made my day. But most of all, I'm just very, very happy that you enjoyed your gift. I couldn't keep a straight face writing it and I'm pleased that reading it was just as enjoyable for you :D.

All in all, I had an amazing time and I'm very much looking forward to the next fest!

writing, secret snarry swap 2017, snarry, secret snarry swap, fanfiction

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