Election Day, 2006

Nov 06, 2006 23:41

Tomorrow TUESDAY NOVEMBER 7TH is election day, don't forget to vote if you've already registered. If you forgot your polloing place, look it up here

(yes it's the dem's website, but it's free and easy for everyone to use)

some of my reasonings... incase anyone cares...

California Senator:
I'm voting for Diane Finestein, cause she called on Condoleeza's Iraq bullshit. Condos replid by making Fine ambassador to Iraq, how funny. Anyways, she's liberal and anti-war, I feel like she deserves my vote for that.

Governer: Anglides... I feel stupid, I'm voting for him because he's not Arnold. I hate Arnold because he's linked to George Bush. If you vote for Arnold, you're voting for George W. Bush, and that may or may not be what you want. Arnold does play politics very well... getting democrats and republicans to side together on many issues, but his individual actions, taking so much special itnerest money (Chevron, Phillip Morris, ADA), and spending so much tax payer cash on stupid shit (like parties and trips to New York)... I do appreciate his work with China.... fuck, I don't know...

I'm voting for al the Asians for the equalization board. Face it, it's the best way to get more even immigration policies. All the mexs who get into that Board are playing Uncle Tom.

I'm voting no on 1A-1E... even though it will be aimed at fixing traffic (and boy, do I hate traffic), it's stupid to keep issuing bonds for shit. It's chepaer ot raise taxes for 1, 2 years, and then pay for shit upfront. By borrowing money, we're keeping taxes high forever, like, the next 30 years. I do want not to vote yes on 1D cuase it doesn't fix the real problem. Sure, schools are dilapted everywhere, but the real rpoblem is tha tteachers dont' get enough pay. I hate that shit, if you worjk full time in education, then you should be able to afford a home, and yet, they can't.

There's a proposition to icnrease surveilence and punishments on sex offenders. Vote yes if you want to... it will require budget balancing. in other words, if you vote yes to make it a longer sentence to keep someone in jail for sexual assault, then there's less money for roads and education. THink about it.

No on 84, Water management... 5.4 Billion in Bonds is waaay too fuggen much.

No on 85. I think a teenage irl should eb able to get an abortion to protect herself without her parent's knowing. It'll just make things easier for many. It will also make things harder for nervous parents, and for irresponsible girls who abuse abortion (multiple abortions in a year), but I think it's worth it. As a big brother to 2 little sisters, no on 85

No on 86, I don't want cigg tax to go up 2.50, that'll make a pack of ciggs 8 dollars! Life is hard enough as it is, don't make things harder for me and family.

No on 87, education is the current problem, for me and my generation. I'd rather see 5.4 billion spent on schools and jails and roads rather than some bullshit bill that doesn't give results.

Yes on 88, 50 dollar tax on property holdres to be spent on education. Sucks to be middle-upper class eh?

Yes on Campiahgn limits (89), fucking arnold spent a million dollars going around the US getting funds for his reelection campaighn. FUck that.

90, governemnt regulation of Private Property. I say yes, it'll limit the governemnt's power to acquire private property, which is good enough for me.
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