(no subject)

Sep 06, 2006 07:47

Be honest with yourself, count your 'yes' responses...

Does your job no longer challenge you?

Is there little or no autonomy in your day-to-day tasks, for example, constant supervision, or work piling?

Has apathy has replaced enthusiasm?

Do you feel overwhelmed by deadline pressure, workload or other expectations?

You are frequently arrive late to work and leave early as often as possible.

Are you even now consistently putting off projects until the last minute.

You're unhappy with your work/life balance.

You have a toxic relationship with your boss.

You're worried about your job security and/or performance.

Your co-workers are walking on eggshells around you.

Your work schedule is interfering with your marriage or other personal relationships.

You're beginning to withdraw from friends and family members.

You're having trouble sleeping.

You're smoking, drinking or relying on caffeine more than ever before.

You're feeling paranoid.

You've been overreacting to minor problems.

You're getting headaches or colds more often.

You're physically exhausted most of the time.

You've developed an ulcer.

You've been diagnosed with a heart condition.

0-5: Low Stress. There's no such thing as a stress free work environment, but you seem to be good at handeling at handling your stress. I just hope you keep it up.

6-10: Middle Stress. Here's an early warning sign... I think you need to relieve some pressure... vacation, talking it out with friends or family, working out, or just doing something for yourself.

11-15: High Stress. You need to do something about the job, see if you can reduce hours or responsiblities so you can achieve better balance in your life, if not, consider finding a new job, because honestly... do you really want to stay there for much longer?

16-20: Yikes. Remember, stress affects you psychologically in addition to physically, so while you have an enlarged heart and/or prostate at the age of 39, you'll also be unstable. I think a long vacation, and changed are in order. Also, you better learn to understand yourself better... figuer out what you really want.
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