Nov 02, 2004 08:43
Good Morning Friends list:
I know its been a minute since I updated but I had to say hello during my coffee...
Wake up and go vote. Make a difference. All I know is if they steal this election they steal it from my cold dead hand (well you know) and it'll be gripping a ballot receipt. I am on my way.
Shoot I am from Chicago aka Voter fraud know we vote early and often. I am prepared for the worst. Despite the fact that I should have no problem, I am prepared to deal with whatever comes my way. OH! And for pete sake if you are in IL please please please - I am ready for this idiot Keyes to go back to where ever the hell he came from...we already have all kind of madness in IL; must we import the insanity/stupidity?
I mean I know Bush took the "see us after the election" stance toward
going to BET as if no matter what, he had it in the bag or what we as
a people felt wasn't important but we know he can and has been dead
wrong before.