Update Writing and life

Jul 31, 2014 12:14

First, I'm nominated for the No Rest For The Wicked Awards. Thanks!
I never was nominated for anything. The fic in question is Of Wishes and Words, for anybody who enjoys crossovers. For everybody who hasn't read it before, please read the warnings first, this is not a fluffy or funny fic.

After my RL imploded in a messy mix with looking after my mother, renovating and moving I didn't have the energy to even think about writing something. Now that  I'm living on my own again and have more of a breathing room I really want to try to write something every day for the next month, even if it's just a drabble. The problem is at the moment my only internet connection is with a surf stick, which doesn't work well if your flat is half underground. I have to stand on my couch at the window to get an acceptable speed, as you can imagine I'm not really online if I don't have to.
Sorry if you posted something, I most likely didn't see it yet.
I wanted to get regular internet but my finances had to be re-sorted when my cat had to go to the vet. I'm not even sure I want to know how expensive that was, I'm expecting that bill this week.

That's everything at the moment, if everything goes well you will see a lot more fiction posts from me.

update writing, non-fiction

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