
Oct 18, 2013 16:20

My family from France was here yesterday and the day before. I will post an update post on RL on a later date including the why they came but they were all there, 3 cousins (plus one husband), one uncle and a few more removed ones.
I don't see them often, E perhaps once every 1 to 2 years, R only when I'm down in France (which has been a few years ago) and A even not then with her living in a different part of the country.
I have no problem with any of them but if I had to decide which one of them I liked best, A would top the list. The only problem: A and I don't have anything in common., we don't have anything to talk about.
Not anymore!
Not only is A devoted SPN fan, she is a Dean-girl to boot! We were both so happy, not only to have found a fellow fan but also to find something after more than 30 years that we can talk about that doesn't involve the food and weather.
Not only that: Being the SciFi geek that I am, I was always alone in my family. Nobody in my family has the same taste in movies, tv and books as I do. My french cousins? All 3 of them like to varying degrees: SPN, Game of Thrones, Star Trek, Star Wars... clearly I was born in the wrong part of the family


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