stupid big fat brother

Jul 06, 2005 18:36

I used to be a fan of big brother. These very pages here were filled with excitment on the build up to Big Bruva 6. I mean after Nadia one last year and I felt, go trannies (see Conor, I CAN'T be transphobic, I loved Nadia). I loved her journey, her stupidness and the way she never let anyone ever tell her what to do. But for the love of god what is going on this year?

Week 6 and I'm hoping one of them just drops dead. Seriously, how wonderful would that be. Kemal playing in the garden (with himself) and suddently a plane drops from the sky (ala emmerdale) and he's gone. Kemal no more. Actually a better idea is Makosi looking at Kemal playing with himself "you have a beautiful penis, that is what you have!" so that she gets caught in the blast.


Dear oh dear. Makosi :(

Honestly if there was ever a bigger fucking twit I've never met them. She would go down a storm in the American Big Bruv with her "oh aren't I clever" tactics. Had they not filled the house with such social outcasts who are basically looking to be loved then Makosi wouldn't be as popular. And then last night, to top it off she starts claiming she could be preggers. PREGGERS! Well to be fair, she's only 90-100% sure she's preggers. So thats ok then. She then goes to the diary room to get a test, two days after shagging anto in the pool. Now I'm no expert, but would it not take a big longer for a pregnancy test to show up you were with child? I'm assuming an ex nurse like Makosi would also realise this?

Grr! GRR! She's an idiot. A fucking twit. They are all twits, the stupidest of all is that downsyndrome with teeth, Vanessa.

Jade has nothing on this cabbage.


This shite is making me lose the will to live. Maxwell to win, Anto to come out and become Derek's Bitch.
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