I am puzzled; they do have custom friend filters. If I want to send something to my close friends and to my acquaintances I just list both of those circles on the post -- do you mean something different?
I don't have a good solution to that; it's a use case I hadn't thought of, but it's rather similar to some of the concerns that Siderea and Justin have posted about our different real-world personas.
My astronomer friends could care less about Commedia
My Improv friends could care less about Camelot
But I want to make the posts available for anyone.
I don't have a good solution to that; it's a use case I hadn't thought of, but it's rather similar to some of the concerns that Siderea and Justin have posted about our different real-world personas.
I suspect it will work out to a combination of tagging on your part and filtering on theirs -- once google figures out such a feature is needed.
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