all about me

Apr 07, 2005 19:33

01. first name:Antonia
02. birthday: 11/26
03. birthplace: Minneapolis, MN
04. current school : BMS
06. current job: student, unfortunately
07. nicknames: Cozy, Ant, A, Toto(my lil' bro's name 4 me...... no one else call me that, please!)
08. eye color: blue
09. hair color:blond
11. zodiac sign:sagitarius
12. innie or outtie: innie...
13. what ru wearing right now?:my pajamas..... long t -shirt and striped velour pants
14. piercings: none yet...... im too afraid of anything sharp. I WILL GET MY EARS PIERCED THIS SUMMER!
15. tattoos: NEVER!
16. email: decline to answer since anyone could read this.
part 2 - what's your favorite...
01. music: A LOT..... Mum, The Streets, Usher,Green Day, Pink, Michelle Branch....... the list could go on
02. cartoons: don't really watch cartoons
03. color: purple
04. movie: Hitch, ring 2, thirteen, napoleon dynamite...... and more
05. coffee: its bitter grossness
06. book: Speak, Detour for Emmy, Princess Diaries, Traveling Pants series, Ivy
07. magazine:New Moon, Cicada, teen Ink, YM
08. tv show: Critical Hour, Rescue 911
09. songs: dont have one
10. candy: godiva chocolate and starbursts
11. spice girl: none!
12. food: fettucini alfredo, pesto pasta, hamburgers, salads from Pluto's
13. drink:passion tea lemonade, chantico, hot cocoa, mango smoothies, milkshakes
14. subject in school: English and lunch/recess
15. weekend activity:scrapbooking
16. ice cream flavor: mint chocolate chip
17. perfume/cologne: ...iono....... not into that stuff
part 5 - which do you prefer?
01. pepsi or coke: coke all the way
02. mcD's or burger king: gross...havent had either since i was six and they're both even grosser after supersize me!
03. nikes or adidas: don't care
04. chicken nuggets or fingers: GROSS
05. dogs or cats: kittens
06 rugrats or doug: i agree with emily: wtf is doug?
07. monica or brandy: iono
08. lipton or nestea: dont care cuz i cuz i dont have either
09. one pillow or two: 2 on top of eachother
10. chocolate or strawberry: chocolate or strawberry what?
11. hot chocolate or hot cocoa: and the difference is...
12. coffee or milk or tea: tea w/ 2 packets of sugar and milk........HYPERISH!!!!! lol
part 6 - do you?
01. take a shower everyday: like every day or every other day
02. have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: i wish
03. think you've been in love before: no
04. want to go to college: yes, U of MN or Carlton or Cal
05. like high school: not in it yet but sure, saint Marys is cool!
06. want to get married: definetly!
07. type with your fingers on the right keys: NO!!!! never.....
08. believe in yourself: sometimes
09. get motion sickness: no
10. think your a health nut: sometimes
11. get along with your parents: less and less every day
Part 7-your future?
01. age you hope to get married: 27
02. # of kids & names of kids: 1 or 2 and i dont know yet.....
03. where do you see yourself at age 20: school
04. describe your dream wedding: takes too long..
05. when and how do you want to die: why should i think about that...
06. what are your career plans: reporter, forensic scientist or detective
07. someplace you would like to visit before you die : italy, hawaii and japan
Part 8- what are your opinions of the opposite sex?
01. best eye color: blue
02. best hair color: brown or dirty blonde
03. short or long hair: short
04. best height: 5'5 or taller
05. best weight: uh...
06. best article of clothing: polo shirt
07. best first date location: city, park, beach, movie, i dont care!
08. first kiss location: at the beach under the sunset
09. describe your perfect other: dont know yet....... hafta see
part 9 -- other
01. What are your favorite clothes?jeans
02. when's the last time you slept with an stuffed
animal? last night
03. have you ever played ouja board: what the hell is ouja board!?!?
04. how many rings before you pick up the phone: 3
05. what's on your mouse pad: none(i dont have one)
06. how many schools have you gone to: only one( my current one)
07. would you shave your head for $5,000: only if i was super short on cash and had no other way of getting any

Okay that took a hella long time but it was fun! copy and paste this into your LJ if you want, cuz i wanna see your answers
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