[music| Honey - Mariah Carey]
I know I haven't been posting much.. sorry guys, but im so not in an iconing-mood. I've been trying to make some animated Hocus Pocus icons but I'm 0 motivated right now. I'm on a total icon-block. lol
On the other hand, I've been making wallpapers.. ALOT of wallpapers. Its fun and easier for me to make so I'm gonna share them with you all! =P
You will find :
- Leonardo DiCaprio
- Vittoria Puccini
- Alessandro Preziosi and Vittoria Puccini
- Titanic
- Kate Winslet
- Keira Knightley
- The Phantom of the Opera
Do not alter in ANY WAY without my permission
Credit me with this url :
Antonella's websites/Lil Italiana or
Antonella's Livejournal if you post this in any of your websites or LJ
For more info on my rules, click
HERE ++Preview++