Jun 29, 2006 17:57

because now my organisation skills are shit.

proofs of this are:
- i'm leaving for budapest tomorrow night and i've not yet packed (i usually pack a week in advance) nor arranged for currency exchange or called the bank to advise them i'm going to use my credit card abroad and other stuff... i haven't planned anything for these 4 days in budapest, it'll be a complete adventure, if i get lost, don't worry, it's just my stupidity...
- i've finally decided to give up on the dissertation i was supposed to hand in last june 16 and that my lecturer very kindly had agreed to give me an extension for. maybe because i was one of the few ones in that class of retards. i now realise that as a project manager i would be crap. not that i care much as i was rejected at one of the project management interviews i went to as 'over-qualified' which translates as: 'the project manager in question was scared of me as i knew more than him in terms of prince2 methodologies and project planning'. oh well. now that i am not doing this stupid dissertation i have more time to do more stuff like sleeping, daydreaming, listening to music, uploading my travel pictures etc.
- my room is still in a mess and to be honest i can't be bored, i think i like more this untidy and who-cares? me (i've been too ocd about this for long)

other stuff: last evening was the second last lecture of my digital marketing course. BOREDOM can't fully describe the mood of all the people involved. it wouldn't surprise me to know that the lecturer has killed himself. we started at the end of april in 15, we are now 5 (all of which quite stupid apart from me and an IT guy, quite mature, who is too friendly to me and who i'm tempted to reject with the words 'you're my father's spitting image and considered that i hate his guts, it's quite unlikely there would ever be any chance you and i hook up'. is it too rude? among the girls i hate there's one from brazil (i don't hold brazilian girls too much highly in my brainy girls list, maybe very high in the slutty girls) who spent 99% of the course (when attending) holding her mobile phone to her ear and stupidly hiding it whenever a call from her irate boyfriend came through (all the times). why don't you just ditch this guy who wants you home to serve him as a slave instead of thinking about yourself? i don't know, sometimes i wonder if these people on these courses are forced to attend them as a form of asbo's, because they don't seem very keen... no surprise i have never spoken to this slut...
today while listening to the song i was talking about earlier as very tacky and crappy, i came upon hearing it and while i was exchanging emails with galadkria i told her i was listening to that very song and that i couldn't control myself from singing it... after much prodding i agreed to reveal the name of this song at which she, after taking the oath of never divulging my secret to anyone, admitted to liking other equally crappy songs... it's so beautiful to know that no matter what YOUR REAL FRIENDS WILL NEVER JUDGE YOU!
then today i had another 'nice' note from my landlady (in this house we communicate via notes, maybe because we want to avoid the sight of each other) confirming once again our theory that she losing it and she is completely out of her mind. she obviously, stingy as she is, started quarrelling for 5 measly pounds (she wants me to pay for the phone i'm not using). i'll give her these 5 fucking pounds but i'll curse them... fucking old ugly disgusting hag! lack of sex must have brought her to this mental state but i'm not pitying her...

i have also started selecting the pics to send to tnt for their weekly travel photography competition and i think i have 3-4 that could stand a chance of winning the second and third prize (i don't want the first prize, a coach trip with gap year aussies/kiwis/saffas completely drunk and high is not really my thing, i want the free photography courses).
i also am selecting all the clothes and stupid stuff i've amassed in these 4 years+ in london to put on on ebay. ££££££££££ is what i like!

that's all so far...

why the world is full of stupid people?
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