My LiveJournal Trick-or-Treat Haulantonchigurh goes trick-or-treating, dressed up as himself.
87octane tricks you! You get a rotten egg.
carlomelo gives you 1 blue strawberry-flavoured gumdrops.
desert_aire gives you 9 pink watermelon-flavoured pieces of taffy.
good_luck_putzi gives you 9 blue watermelon-flavoured gumdrops.
kuroirinkku gives you 6 tan
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You like sociopaths, I`m a sociopath.
You like killing, I like killing.
I can get us a reservation somewhere if you like.
What kind of reservation?
How`s Pastels sound?
And uh, there`s a nice hardware store nearby, so I could uh, show you some of the new nailguns..
How uh, how about it?
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