Борьба со спамом

Apr 06, 2011 23:50

Оказывается, в этих войнах со спамом и ботами можно побеждать.

Статья об этом (англ.) по ссылке от Антона Носика.

Beta versions of the Rustock malware first emerged in late 2005 or early 2006. Unlike many pieces of malware, Rustock was subtle. After infecting a machine it would lie dormant for five days, to avoid suspicion and make it harder to track down the infection source. It wasn’t until the third version, Rustock.C, was released in summer 2006 that the network really began to grow. Thanks to a range of advanced rootkit techniques-complex encryption, disabling of debuggers, and a tendency to delete itself if it detected attempts to capture it-Rustock.C evaded detection for many months, with definitive detection and analysis not occurring until early 2008. By this time, hundreds of thousands of machines had been infected, with more to follow.


В общем, во всем и всегда самое главное - желание. Желание бороться, в этом случае.

Ничего нового.

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cyberwar, spam, hackers, lj, internet, crossposting

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