
Dec 05, 2010 15:56

Если бы я писал историю наших с Йипой отношений, то день - Пятница, 3-е декабря 2010 года обязательно вошел бы в эту историю.

Я уже давно ничего не писал про тренировки Принцессы, но это только потому, что в последний месяц я сам, практически, не занимался с ней. Кэролайн занималась, забирала ее несколько раз, а я дал ей отдохнуть.

Нет, это не потому, что все было плохо. Просто со мной Йипа “продвигалась” очень медленно, и я решил на какое-то время оставить ее в покое. Одной из причин такого решения было простое соображение. Я хотел, чтобы она “соскучилась” по работе.

Видимо, мое решение было правильным. В прошедшую пятницу у Йипы случился “прорыв”.

Дальше все на английском, поскольку это все те самые заметки от Кэролайн.

These sessions built on the progress Yepa has been making with task training. My intern, Kate Neal, attended the session on November 19th to observe Yepa’s training.

Yepa has been steadily building motivation for task training, and has been showing small signs of progress in performance over the past few sessions.

In today’s session she had the breakthrough we have been waiting for - the light-bulb moment when things click into place in a dog’s mind as they engage in a new learning process. Today Yepa out-performed herself in all of the things she was asked to do- and best of all, her trainer was Anton! I had intended to try taking a back seat in training today, and coach the team as needed, and this proved to be a good thing for Yepa’s progress. All the work we have done to teach specific skills, and build enthusiasm and confidence paid off a hundred fold in the context of the special relationship Yepa and Anton have with each other. And maybe the timing was just right too. We had tears in our eyes at times, looking at the happiness and pride in Yepa’s eyes as she succeeded in one task after another. Of course she got lots of praise and treats for each one, and in the end, celebrated her overall success with some play time with Nina Ottosson puzzles. Even here she showed how she has changed since her surgery and since her ear infection have healed up - she tackled each puzzle with determination, confidently flipping its pieces with her nose and paw, and finding hidden treats with ease. What a great dog!!! And what a great team!!!

Get It

Anton threw a piece of cord on the floor and Yepa picked it up and brought it to him 5 out of 5 times; she even placed it in his hand several times. A first for them both!


Anton parked his chair between Yepa and the door, and gave the cue “Push”. Yepa hesitated then went up to the door opener and touched it with her nose. After a few repetitions, Anton delayed the reward until she had pushed twice with her nose, adding a little frustration to the mix - and bingo - Yepa pushed the opener hard enough to open the door! She had done this before but the difference today was the calm confidence with which she approached her task.


Yepa responded 100% correctly to the verbal/visual cue Paw from a Sit, beside Anton’s chair. She loves using her paw these days - offers it on lots of occasions just in case that is what is wanted. Now she knows she isn’t wrong to do this - she can’t get enough of it!!


Yepa easily performed the task of turning on a light switch several times.

Besides this task training, we started going over the items of the Public Access test. We practiced in particular: Sit/Stay, Down (she confuses this with Paw and prefers Paw!)

We also noted that Yepa likes to place her chin in Anton’s lap and rest it there - so we decided to name this “Rest” and practiced capturing (say Rest as it happens, mark and reward) when it occurs.

We made a training plan for Anton and Yepa to practice together over the next 2 weeks.

Если коротко, то - у нее в тот день получалось все, о чем я ее просил. И это, несмотря на то, что я с ней сам не занимался очень давно.

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my life, notes, crossposting, lytdybr, training, animals, yepa, done

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