Папе Римскому снова приходится извиняться

Mar 20, 2010 21:48

Когда-то, Папа Римский извинялся за американских католических священников.

Теперь - извиняется за ирландских.

Pope Benedict XVI has apologised to victims of child sex abuse by Catholic priests in Ireland.

In a pastoral letter to Irish Catholics, he acknowledged the sense of betrayal in the Church felt by victims and their families.

The Pope said there had been “serious mistakes” among bishops in responding to allegations of paedophilia.

Взято - здесь.

Как мне кажется, было бы лучше, если бы католическим священникам разрешили иметь семьи.

В смысле - жениться.

Scandals involving Catholic priests have been reported in other countries, including the Pope’s native Germany, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Austria and the US.

Addressing the victims of abuse, the Pope wrote: “You have suffered grievously and I am truly sorry.”

Там же.

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news, catholics, pedophilia, crossposting, thoughts, church, idiocy, kids, crime

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