Мы потом
удивляемся, почему у них все так медленно работает и, вообще, что это за софт.
Чего удивляться? Вот, к примеру, главным стимулом у нынешнего главного разработчика Internet Explorer, до его прихода в
Microsoft, был… поход в туалет без разрешения начальства.
Выдержка из интервью главного разработчика. На английском.
How’d you get here?
Well, that goes back to 1993. I was working at the gas station that’s on 148th and 51st, here in Redmond. I was managing that little hole, and I was miserable and commuted an hour and a half each way by bus from Seattle. At least I had a job, but yeesh.
Then one day at a friend’s piercing studio in Seattle, I met this guy - he was like 7 feet tall and 300 pounds and shaved head, had a big tusk piercing through his nose and was getting his nipples pierced that day. We started chatting and realized we both worked on the East Side. This guy was like me (23 at the time, and no college), and he says, “Yeah, I work out in Redmond, too. I work at Microsoft.”
And I was like, “Oh, that’s just like a few blocks away from me. What’s it like to work there? ” He said, “Just come on by and see…”
So, I went by after work the following week. This dude is showing me around and at one point he says, “I’m going to go run to the bathroom - should I grab you a soda on the way back?”
And right there, I swear to God, it crystallized for me. I realized, you can go to the bathroom whenever you want at Microsoft.
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Кстати, я нигде не слышал, чтобы работникам компаний нужно было бы отпрашиваться в туалет.
Запись оттранслирована из
моего журнала
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