Безработица в Орегоне

May 15, 2009 22:01

Сейчас Орегон занимает второе место в США, по количеству безработных.

Губернатор Тэд Кулонгоский (Ted Kulongoski) внес предложение создать этим летом 12 000 временных рабочих мест.

Kulongoski wants to divert $90 million from the state unemployment insurance fund to pay for the jobs program, which would be overseen by the state’s community colleges and Workforce Development agency. He plans to stump for the plan around the state next week to drum up public support.

И, еще немного.

Research by the governor’s office shows more than 80,000 people are looking for entry-level employment, yet fewer than 700 such openings are listed. Even at the lower end of the pay scale, the jobs would pay more than average unemployment benefits of $250 per week, according to the governor’s staff.

The jobs proposal comes as the state’s unemployment rate of 12.1 percent ranks as second highest in the nation. New figures due out Monday are expected to be even higher.

Kulongoski’s remarks coincided with a new state revenue forecast that shows the state sinking further into a budget hole approaching $4 billion. He offered several other money-saving proposals, including suspension of a number of state boards and commissions and consolidation of some state agencies.

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unemployment, government, news, usa, layoffs, crossposting, crisis, oregon, economy, life

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