Портланд - город “демократический”. Еще раз о СМИ…

Nov 11, 2016 04:01

Видимо в Портланде больше всего любят Хиллари Клинтон. В центре Портланда сейчас творится что-то невообразимое.

Примерно в 9:30 вечера у нас все каналы прервали все передачи и как один начали показывать это…

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Следующее видео очень большое. Это было снято раньше.

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Полициция и СМИ сейчас за этим наблюдает. В новостях проскальзывает даже некие пугливые нотки. В СМИ пока не говорят о том, что все происходящее сами СМИ и спровоцировали. Во-первых, всей Президентской кампанией бессовестного “раскручивания” Хиллари и возбуждения ненависти к Трампу, а, во-вторых, даже сейчас продолжающуюся кампанию запугивания Трампом и его избранием, теперь уже не избирателя, а - обывателя..

USA TODAY - This election cycle has been unprecedented in so many ways, and the result is sure to cause some economic upheaval. When the dust finally settles after Donald Trump’s historic win, where will it leave American consumers, Social Security recipients, student loan holders and taxpayers? USA TODAY asked experts about a host of pocketbook issues. Here’s what we learned.

Minimum wage

Based on Trump’s campaign positions, the federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour might rise to $10 an hour, or the decision to raise minimum wages would be left to the states. In short, some workers - those in states that have raised or plan to raise the minimum wage - would see somewhat of a boost, while the rest would see little or no change in their standard of living.


Trump intends to significantly reduce marginal tax rates, increase standard deduction amounts, repeal personal exemptions and cap itemized deductions, according to Bob Williams, senior fellow at the Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center at the Urban Institute. His proposal would cut taxes at all income levels, although the largest benefits, in dollar and percentage terms, would go to the richest households, according to the Tax Policy Center (TPC). According to TPC’s analysis of his tax plan, on average, households throughout the income distribution would see their tax bills go down. But some taxpayers, especially single parents, would see higher taxes.

Your bottom line: To calculate the effect of on your own taxes, check out the Tax Policy Center’s online calculator at http://tpc-election-calculator.urban.org/.

Student loans

Trump has proposed to cap repayments at 12.5% of a borrower’s income and if borrowers make repayments for 15 years, he would forgive the rest of the debt, according to Third Way. Trump does not offer a plan to make college affordable, according to Carmel Martin, executive VP for policy at the Center for American Progress.

Paid family and medical leave

Trump plans on guaranteeing six weeks of paid maternity leave, worth an average of $300 weekly. However, he offers no relief for adoptive parents, fathers or caregivers who might be taking care of other family members who are ill, Martin says.

Child care expenses

Trump plans to let working parents deduct child care expenses for up to four children and elderly dependents. He also plans to establish dependent care savings accounts.

Social Security

Trump has proposed no cuts to benefits in Social Security right now, but he might revisit the issue at a later time, according to Third Way. Martin suggested that a proposed 13.5% across-the-board cut in federal spending would result in a cut to Social Security that would reduce the average monthly benefit by $182, from $1,360 in 2017 to $1,177.


Сейчас думаю вот о чем. Мне кажется, СМИ работавшие за Клинтон были настолько уверены в том, что выберут именно ее, что у них не было никакого плана своего поведения на тот случай, если выберут не Клинтон, а… Я немного наблюдал за тем, как “работали” СМИ. Не очень активно они агитировали против Трампа политика. (Может быть потому, что он только начал свою политическую карьеру. Кстати, удивительно: Только начал и… сразу - Президентом) Но СМИ не очень активно спорили с экономической программой Трампа или с его идеологией. Это можно было наблюдать на тех же дебатах. Только на третьих дебатах, немного поговорили о стране.

Всю Президентскую кампанию СМИ “работали”, сжигая все мосты. Уничтожали Трампа как личность. Агитировали против Трампа, - как человека. Собственно, и сейчас это делают.

Так что, все то, что происходит, это и дело рук, самих, демократических СМИ.

Но они вряд ли этот вывод сделают.

P.S. В заголовке, я взял слово “демократические” в кавычки. Дело в том, что для погромщиков у нас в Портланде уже придуман термин, как их называть. Не знаю, как их будут называть, в других городах страны, (протесты с погромами происходят не только у нас) но у нас их называют “анархистами”.

Police: Anarchist group ‘hijacked’ anti-Trump protest

Police made arrests, rioters smashed windows, set fires and damaged property

PORTLAND, Ore. (KOIN) - For a third consecutive night, throngs of protesters gathered in downtown Portland in a display of displeasure with the election of Donald Trump who will become the nation’s 45th president.

Police were on high-alert after Wednesday’s graffiti and vandalism, but things escalated to extremes Thursday.

A peaceful protest started in Pioneer Courthouse Square at 5 p.m. Demonstrators began to march around 6 p.m. and joined another group gathered at the waterfront.

Hundreds of marchers blocked traffic, as organizers said they would do. They took over the Hawthorne Bridge, stopping cars on the roadway and climbing railings.

An altercation on the bridge was captured by freelance journalist Crystal Contreras

The crowd continued marching into Northeast Portland, where protesters spray painted on buildings. The group that came from downtown was set to meet up with another protest group near Lloyd Center at Holladay Park.

By 8:30 p.m. Thursday night’s events escalated and Portland police considered it a riot. Police said it was due to “extensive criminal and dangerous behavior.”

Police warned the crowd that they were subject to arrest for participation in a riot.

The crime of riot is a Class C felony.

Around 4,000 protesters joined in the riot as the night went on, police said.

Rioters were seen spraying anti-Trump messages across the city. One person smashed the glass at a TriMet bus shelter in Northeast Portland. Someone else was seen running through a Toyota car dealership lot, smashing at least 7 car windows.

Полностью - здесь.

Как я понимаю, этим самым СМИ пытаются дистанцироваться от деяния рук своих.

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video, my life, elections, mass media, usa, violence, crossposting, thoughts, lytdybr, internet, portland

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