Нашему, теперь уже экс-губернатору сильно не повезло. Не знаю, под какую такую руку он попал, но от сообщений на прошлой неделе о том, что им заняллось ФБР, сегодня появились сообщения о том, что им теперь занялись и налоговые органы.
А с его, теперь уже женой, все просто. Появились сообщения о том, что ее обвиняют в… воровстве.
Воровала она у благотворителей…
BEND, Ore. - Cylvia Hayes faced theft allegations involving a Central Oregon charity, according to police reports obtained by KGW.
Records show the police report was referred to the Oregon Attorney General’s Charitable Activities Section more than a decade ago, but never prosecuted.
“Here’s somebody who pretends to be real sweet and needs your help and then just takes your money,” said Bend business owner Fred Swisher.
Swisher reported the alleged theft case to Bend Police on June 27, 2001. KGW found the incident through a public records request. Most of the documents have been destroyed because the case is so old. The police narrative reads, “Hayes is alleged to have defrauded Swisher.”
Swisher, who owns Bend Pine Nursery, remembers Cylvia Hayes as “charming” as she fundraised for an environmental charity in Central Oregon. He can’t recall the name of the organization.
“She was a little vague on where the funds would go, and how they’d help anybody and what they would be applied to,” said Swisher.
Initially, Hayes wanted Swisher to contribute by writing a check. But instead, the Bend landscaper agreed to consign one-thousand ponderosa pine trees. They agreed to split the profits. Half would go to him. Hayes would get the other half for her charity.
“She just kept it all,” said Swisher. “In 25 years now, there’s never been a bad check, never been a theft, except for her.”
The police report estimates the loss at $300. Bend Police referred to the A.G’s Charitable Activity Section. When contacted by phone, the former Oregon Department of Justice investigator assigned to the case said he didn’t recall why it was dismissed in 2001.
Hayes did not answer the door at her Bend home. She hasn’t been seen in public in several weeks.
Governor John Kitzhaber and his fiancée, Cylvia Hayes are facing federal and state criminal investigations surrounding allegations of conflict of interest.
Hayes previously admitted to a sham marriage and plans to build an illegal marijuana farm in Washington State. The 2001 theft case is just the latest revelation into Hayes’ checkered past.
“I think if you stir the bushes over here in Bend, there’s probably way more than me,” said Swisher.
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