Четвертый срок…

Nov 16, 2014 21:57

На недавних выборах, Губернатором Орегона в четвертый раз стал Китцхабер.

Его переизбрали даже несмотря на то, что предвыборная кампания далась ему нелегко. Все было омрачено скандалом с его невестой, которая пользовалась его положением.

В Америке это не особо приветствуется, правда, Китцхаберу это сошло с рук.

Впрочем, Орегон - штат демократический. А Китцхабер - демократ. Так что, у него больших проблем с переизбранием не было.

Даже несмотря на скандал.

Это все о нем…

PORTLAND, Ore. - Governor John Kitzhaber has been busy in recent days, crunching numbers for the state budget. It’s an important, if mundane, job for the governor of any state.

What’s not typical as Kitzhaber starts his unprecedented fourth term is the Oregon Government Ethics Commission investigation hanging over his head.

The commission is trying to determine if Kitzhaber’s fiancée Cylvia Hayes used her public position in his administration to help her private business.

Kitzhaber acknowledged in an interview on Friday afternoon that the re-election campaign was tough and that many voters - even Democrats - have reasons to question him.

“You’ve got to re-prove yourself to voters every single time you’re elected,” he said. “I think I’ve got some rebuilding to do and I’m very confident I can do it.”

Kitzhaber had turned down repeated interview requests from KGW News over the past several weeks. On Friday he offered up 15 minutes at a state office building in downtown Portland for an interview.

Kitzhaber said he’s anxious to see what the ethics commission says about what role Hayes can play in his office.

“I think some of those questions will hopefully be answered with the work of the ethics commission, but I think her role is going to be different moving forward,” Kitzhaber said. “We want to avoid any perceptions or problems we had in the past.”

Even if Hayes has a different role or no public role in the administration moving forward, we can expect to still see her around Salem. Kitzhaber said they still plan to get married and will set a wedding date sometime after the upcoming legislative session.

Kitzhaber recently asked the ethics commission to give him guidance on boundaries for a first lady in Oregon, but they declined to do so. Still, the question remains: If Kitzhaber thought there might be a conflict of interest, why didn’t he seek the commission’s guidance years ago?

“I think that’s a fair question. Had we put something before the ethics commission two or three years ago we might have learned something useful,” he said. “The fact is we didn’t and we have to deal with the situation as it exists today.”

Kitzhaber said he relied only on his internal lawyers to review if Hayes’ work in his office conflicted with her private business.

“Obviously there are some outstanding questions and we’re very anxious to have that answered,” he said.

This past week Willamette Week and The Oregonian published articles raising questions about staff from his campaign also being directly involved in guiding Cover Oregon and the transition to the federal health insurance exchange.

Kitzhaber told KGW he was aware that campaign staff were working with Cover Oregon, although he claims it had “absolutely nothing” to do with the campaign.

“My interest was insuring as many Oregonians as possible. I took personal control of all the decision-making process in that effort and I engaged all the resources I had at my disposal both inside and outside state government,” Kitzhaber said. “I think it’s perfectly appropriate for the governor of the state of Oregon to seek counsel and advice from anyone in the state of Oregon on any topic.”


Здесь - интервью с Губернатором Орегона.

P.S. Интересный факт. В 2010-ом году Китцхабер победил с разницей в… 22 голоса.

А в этот раз половина избирателей на выборы не явилась.

P.P.S. На последних, промежуточных выборах, Орегон был один из немногих штатов, где демократы взяли все, что могли. В целом, по стране, Демократическая Партия потерпела поражение. Впрочем, я об этом уже писал.

И не только я.

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