Такая, вот, благодарность…

Sep 24, 2014 03:23

..от уходящего Президента страны..

Outgoing Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai took one final swipe at the U.S. Tuesday, telling a gathering of Afghan government employees that the 13-year American-led military action had failed to bring peace to his country.

“We don’t have peace because the Americans didn’t want peace,” said Karzai, who will officially give way to President-elect Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai when the latter is sworn in Monday.

“If America and Pakistan really want it, peace will come to Afghanistan,” Karzai added, referring to his country’s eastern neighbor as well as the U.S. “The war in Afghanistan is to the benefit of foreigners. But Afghans on both sides are the sacrificial lambs and victims of this war.” Karzai also thanked a number of countries for their efforts in Afghanistan - India, Japan, China, Iran, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, South Korea and Germany - without thanking the U.S.

Karzai’s words were met with a furious response by the American ambassador to Afghanistan James Cunningham, who called the comments “ungracious and ungrateful.”

“It makes me kind of sad. I think his remarks, which were uncalled for, do a disservice to the American people and dishonor the huge sacrifices Americans have made here and continue to make here,” Cunningham told a gathering of journalists.

Karzai’s spokesman Aimal Faizi told The Washington Post that while the president appreciates the efforts of U.S. troops and taxpayers to rebuilt the war-torn country, he also believes that the U.S. did not do enough to confront Pakistan-backed militants in the country and that Washington and Islamabad “sabotaged” efforts to reach a peace deal with the Taliban.

Karzai is the only president Afghanistan has known since the 2001 U.S.-led invasion removed the Taliban from power. In the intervening years, The United States has spent more than $100 billion on aid in Afghanistan since 2001 to train and equip the country’s security forces, to pave crumbling dirt roads, to upgrade hospitals and to build schools. More than 2,200 U.S. forces have died in Afghanistan operations since 2001. Nearly 20,000 have been wounded.

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