И еще, какая-то жуткая история…

Sep 20, 2014 14:43

…С какими-то запредельными суммами денег…

Взятка на… 30 000 000 000$ (тридцать миллиардов(!!!) долларов)

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During the 1980s, Lee Wanta was brought into the White House as the first National Intelligence Coordinator.
He was tasked by President Reagan and CIA Director William Colby to destabilize the Soviet Union through establishment, with funds from the US Treasury, of a worldwide currency trading scheme.
Wanta, with the help of Reagan, amassed a fortune of $27 trillion, funds earmarked by Reagan to pay America’s national debt, restore the nation’s infrastructure and fund a world free of debt based currencies.
However, after Reagan left office and George H.W. Bush assumed the Presidency, Wanta was kidnapped and imprisoned in Switzerland, transferred to an American prison where he was held without due process for years and the money disappeared, taken by the Bush family.
The rest is history, stolen elections, 9/11, war upon war, and a world that has descended into crashing debt with nearly every currency floating on “air,” derivatives and a sea of Rothschild debt.
Wanta’s story is soon to be featured in a Hollywood film currently under production.

Nobody has heard of Sheldon Songstad, who with former congressman and governor, Don Sundquist, admit demanding a $30 billion dollar bribe from Wanta in order to compel the Supreme Court to issue a pay order on Wanta’s personal funds, based on the case he won, $4.5 trillion plus interest, totaling $9.5 trillion.
This would make Lee Wanta personally the wealthiest nation on earth. While this case has dragged on through the courts, thoroughly and carefully documented, Wanta friends and advisors, many former intelligence officers, including the author, have worked to keep him secure.
The recording of Songstad and Sundquist, 6.01 minutes, was aired on radio yesterday with commentary by Lee Wanta, on the Veterans Today Radio Network to over two million listeners.
The audience heard Sundquist describe how they would settle for as little as $5 billion, as a “retirement nest egg” and how, if Wanta fails to pay, they would arrange for his murder.
Current US Senator Bob Corker, Republican from Tennessee had been on a conference call earlier that included Sheldon Songstad, telling Wanta that his funds would be paid.
In fact, a majority of members of congress including almost all Republicans and many Democrats were to receive shares of the Wanta “payoff.” What had angered so many of them and had precipitated the death threat is Wanta’s statement to all of them that he would file Federal Income Tax Form 1099’s to accompany all payments.
This would identify, as required by law, where money went and what services were paid for.
Were Wanta murdered to stop that process, it would require control of not only the Department of Internal Revenue but Treasury as well, to suppress the existence of these documents that would eventually lead to the imprisonment of almost the entire US government.
Beyond Idiocy
As the radio audience listened on, the two Republican Party political “fixers” made several things very clear. The US government was entirely “up for sale” and that they had the connections to arrange for the purchase.
What was amazing is that these two, after phoning Wanta and getting the recording notice on the line, assumed their conference call was private, paying no attention to the fact that the recording continued on while they confessed to what legal experts have identified as dozens of crimes and laid out a trail of bribery and corruption that crosses nearly every level of government, every court and over a hundred of Americas’ highest elected officials.

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government, money, bribery, internet, crossposting

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